WALL9-13   |   Extension

New extension with 15 residential units and two roof terraces at Spindlers Hof, Wallstraße 9-13, Berlin -
The extension delivers urgently needed residential space in this central location. The existing roof will be replaced by and extended with new duplex units in a prefabricated structural timber construction. The high standard of the construction, the generous terraced areas for individual and common use and the views overlooking the Spree canal and historical centre of Berlin leads to very high quality residential space.
Two roof terraces accessible for the residents of the newly build maisonette flats will provide areas for individual and common use. The design of both terraces, that are similar in size, creates new pathways and green spaces that serve the users as a recreational space. The design of the terraces including the chosen furniture and lighting for these open spaces creates an inviting atmosphere in a dense and urban surrounding.

Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Project Management

Processing period 2020-2023

Design stages 6-9 / 1-9 (German HOAI Standard)
Net Floor Area 1.255 m2 (residential) / 750 m2 (terraces)
Budget approx. 5 Mill. € (Residential) / 0,3 Mill. € (Terraces)

TSP Architekten/WZM